The data collected from testing and assessment helps
to inform future whole school initiatives as well as unit plans for teaching
and learning.
will be assessed on the tasks set out in C2C units or through the Australian
Curriculum for all learning areas. This consistency ensures that all assessment
is aligned with the targeted content descriptions and achievement standards for
that year level and allows for teachers to moderate across classes and district
schools. These are the assessment tasks that parents will read about in report
A focus on reading
To enable the design of tailored reading programs,
our students' reading levels/ages are individually tested each term to monitor
student growth as well as inform future developments in reading programs. Each year level, engages in three explicit
teaching sessions per week. During these
Explicit Teaching of Reading (ETOR) sessions, year level staff are supported by
STLaNs and teacher aides trained to specifically support reading concepts.
Reporting to parents
Parents are warmly invited to discuss a student's progress at any time
with their child's teacher. Formal
report cards will be emailed home to parents at the end of Term 2 and 4.
Parents are also invited to take up the invitation for a face-to-face interview
with teachers during Term 1 and 3. These will be advertised in the newsletters
and accessible from the SOBS (school online booking systems) quick link on the bottom of school website homepage.
How can I find out more?
Year level teams conduct a parent information session at the beginning of each school year where they share details about testing, assessment and reporting.
At the commencement of each term, year level teaching teams send out a parent information letter describing 'what's happening' for their year level for that term with important details about assessment topics and dates.